A Sima or Ordination Hall, is an important place for Acts of the Sangha. A Theravada Buddhist Monastery is only complete with such a facility to cater to monastic functions. The Upasampada “Higher Ordination for Bhikkhus” ceremony is valid when it is performed inside the Sima House.
Proposed Model SIMA
Venerable Buddhaghosa, a very renowned Buddhist scholar of the 5th century in Sri Lanka, commented that Buddhism will be considered as being fully established in a country if there are sufficient numbers of local monks who can form a quorum of five monks to conduct ordinations of monks and they are able to recite the Patimokkha Rules (chanting the Buddhist monks’ 227 rules of conduct) every fortnight.
Importance of Sima
A Sima or Ordination Hall, is an important place for Acts of the Sangha. A Theravada Buddhist Monastery is only complete with such a facility to cater to monastic functions. The Upasampada “Higher Ordination for Bhikkhus” ceremony is valid when it is performed inside the Sima. In order for monks to be ordained, a sanctified Sima Hall is required to be demarcated and built for the purpose. Moreover, a Sima Hall is also required in order for the Sangha to carry out other formal activities like the exchange of robes during the annual Kathina ceremony, fortnightly recitation of the Patimokkha, the hearing of complaints/meting out of punishments for errant monks etc. Hence, a Sima Hall is a very important part of monastic life and without one, a monastery will not be complete.
The Layout of the Sadhanarama Sima
Sadhanarama Sima Under Construction
The Boundary
As part of the demarcation of the boundaries of the Sima Hall, eight Sima marker spheres are placed around it in a rectangular shape. The spheres face the eight cardinal directions and they represent the following first generation disciples of the Lord Buddha:
East: Ven. Anna Kondanna
2. South East: Ven. Maha Kassapa
3. South: Ven. Sariputta
4. South West: Ven. Upali
5. West: Ven. Ananda
6. North West: Ven. Gavampati
7. North: Ven. Moggallana
8. North East: Ven. Rahula
SIMA Marker around the Sima Building
Recitation of Kammavaca
Monks from Mahasi Meditation Center, Yangon, Myanmar were invited for the Consecration. Kammavaca for the Sima were recited by the Bhikkhu Sangha consisting of Monks from Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand and all over India.
Latest Updates on Sima
The Sadhanarama Sima will consist of 2 floors including the ground floor and at the top of the Sima, a Beautiful Buddha Statue will be build, As of now, the Base Foundation is completed with the generous donations of the Upasakas & Upasikas. The Ground Floor Sima is under construction.
The approximate estimated expenditure for the Base Foundation & Ground Floor is around 20 Lakhs including the construction workers wages.
An Appeal
We appeal and encourage all to donate generously for the promotion and preservation of Buddha Sasana as we learnt above that Sima is an important place without which a Theravada Buddhist Monastery is incomplete. All the activities of the Monastery and Foundation are dependent on donations. Your contribution small or big is highly appreciable.
Donation Details (for India only)
Click the link below to donate online:
You can transfer your donations to *Account Name: Sadhanarama Foundation Account No: 39457375664 IFSC: SBIN0015198 State Bank of India, Diyun Branch
Thank you very much for your donation. May the merits of your donation conduce to your good health, peace of mind and happiness!