Become a Member Today!
Sadhanarama Foundation warmly welcomes new members
1.0 Purpose:-
Connecting people together with shared interests & serve the Society when call upon to do so.
Provide a forum for the personal and professional development.
Provide an opportunity to develop leadership, managerial, public speaking and group decision making skills.
To enhance unity, solidarity and brotherhood amongst the people.
2.0 Eligibility:-
Membership is open to all who are committed to our vision & mission.
Membership is granted after completion and receipt of annual dues.
3.0 Membership Rights & Obligations:-
Generally: Member agrees to pay the annual fees as may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms & conditions. Dues are yearly and payment is required upon signing & renewal.
Suspension and Termination: The Foundation reserves the right to (i) suspend participation of Member if it fails to pay its annual fees on time, or (ii) suspend or cancel participation of Member if it violates or engages in conduct seriously prejudicial to the purposes and interests of Foundation.
Compliance: Member agrees to abide by, and shall have all applicable rights and obligations.
4.0 Membership Benefits:-
Participate in Dhamma activities, events or programs of the Foundation.
Network, learn, share and exchange knowledge and experiences with members.
Contribute by actively participating, timely payment & being elected as a member of the Executive Committee.
Organize Sangha Dana in the name of departed relatives.
Promote the organization’s work to the people.
Members get an opportunity to develop leadership, managerial, public speaking and group decision making skills.
Regular Membership
500₹AnnuallyÂAssociate Membership
100₹AnnuallyÂLifetime Membership